
Our Clients said…

Hi Randy,

hilltopI just wanted to let you know just how much we believe in the ActivePure purifying system we purchased from RCI Environmental Solutions and how it has been working. Each year in health facilities we deal with colds, flu (different strains), respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses that are highly contagious.

In addition we have residents that come to us from hospital or skilled nursing stays with potential for MRSA, VRE, CDiff or any variety of other infections that we must carefully manage. We first purchased the ActivePure technology in 2013, installing it in our HVAC system covering the dining area and portable models installed in the elevators and used in specific areas of the building or in a resident room for odors.

Since the install of ActivePure technology, our outbreaks of illness for both staff and residents has shortened in both spread and duration. While we still have occasional illnesses, we are able to contain them to specific areas and better manage the sanitation of these areas with the use of the system technology and the mobile purifiers.

Further, the maintenance of them is very affordable, low cost when we change the ActivePure cells. That investment pays us back plus, in fewer staff call offs, fewer residents needing hospitalization or skilled nursing stays due to those illness outbreaks.

It’s just overall better health and wellness of our staff and residents. I just wanted you to know that with our senior population, keeping them healthy is not only the right thing to do, for their best shot at a good quality of life, but it make very good business sense too.

Cathy Story
Senior Director of Senior Services The Commons, The Fountains, The Cottages and Senior Daybreak
Hilltop Community Resources

To whom it may concern,

We have had great results from the purifier placed in our Walk-in cooIer… the Dietary Department, by RCI Environmental Solutions.

Some produce is lasting 5-7 days longer. Peppers, Tomatoes and Mixed Greens, the purifier keeps the mold off and stays crisper longer. The worry of food contamination is reduced greatly… E-Coli, Salmonella, etc. In addition, there are NO unpleasant odors.

I like knowing I am serving my senior community the freshest food possible

I recommend it.

Thank you

Christopher White

Kitchen Mgr/Chef

Christopher White
Kitchen Mgr/Chef
The Commons of Hilltop

cruisersI would like to comment on the air purification system we have in our bars here at Cruisers! Randy Schwark with RCI Environmental Solutions met with me and spoke about the virus/bacteria ActivePure technology offers, and how it will disinfect everything on surfaces, everything airborne, 24/7, non stop, covering every square inch of the bar.

We have had the technology installed now for 4 years. Since installing, we have noticed a large reduction of staff illness. I find that to be quite amazing due to the nature of the business. We started with addressing the open bar area. Randy has been faithful in servicing the purifier monthly at our request. He has educated us on other models for our ice maker and our restrooms, which we have purchased purifiers for.

Having ActivePure technology working in our bar makes me feel like there’s a cleaning staff working 24/7. The best part is…it’s done without chemicals and human assistance, which adds to the cost. We are very pleased with every purifier model purchased as we take pride in the cleanliness in the bar.

Due to the big reduction of staff illness we’ve experienced since having ActivePure operating in the bar we feel they have been very effective keeping viruses/bacteria from spreading. It’s great to offer a protect environment to our staff and customers.

I highly recommend RCI Environmental Solutions and Randy Schwark to deal with your virus / bacteria control.


Jim Hadrath

discoverykidsI wanted to take a moment to share our experience with the ActivePure (bacteria/virus control) technology. As one of the largest child care providers in Western CO, the health and safety of the children in our program is always of utmost concern. We’ve taken many measures over the last 15 years to improve our sanitation and disinfection systems and practices.

We installed the Freshair portable models in both our Fruita and Grand Junction locations. We also happened to purchase and install these purifiers in the middle of the winter, aka…peak flu season! Within a weeks time we noticed a significant decrease in the number of children that we were having to send home due to various signs or symptoms of illness.

The concept that we could sanitize our classrooms 24 hours a day, 7 days a week was going to be a game changer for us.Our classrooms are full of toys, curriculum, door knobs, tables, chairs and so much more always being needed to be cleaned and sanitized. Odor is also a concern and has been an area of focus.

It’s an important first impression and with scents not permitted in child care facilities, we found that odors from stale to unpleasant are no longer present. My understanding is that we are now neutralizing the source of the odor, instead of MASKING it. This goes without saying that there is no neutralizing a poopy diaper, which we have plenty of!

In summary, we are simply thrilled to have the ActivePure Technology operating an feel like the investment was a great decision. I encourage you and your organization to take a look at the ActivePure Technology!

Thank You,

Kirk Huddleston
Discovery Kids Learning Center

super8 testimonialOur three hotels were introduced to Randy Schwark of RCI Environmental Solutions approximately a year ago. In our business, we are bombarded by sales people and I chalked his visit up to just another sales call ~ that is until he demonstrated the purifier.

My family has owned and operated 10+ hotels, motels and lodges since 1969. We have always prided ourselves on cleanliness and in fact were awardedBest Customer Service and Quality Assurance at our oldest property ( Best of over 2,100 franchisees). Cross ventilation and odor free rooms are a huge part of the guest experience, and we’ve never been willing to compromise with spray air fresheners ~ either the room is odorless or we make it odorless through any means. Unfortunately a big problem we encounter is rooms that are smoked in (these are non smoking properties). We have used conventional “ozone machines” for decades, but that fall short once the machine is removed – the smell regenerates.

Randy was willing to leave the AP3000 model over night to see if it could tackle our worst rooms. To our surprise it worked like nothing else we’ve used. We bought units for all three of our properties and now have the ability to deodorize and decontaminate our rooms at the same time. From my understanding the difference between the old ozone machines and the ActivePure unit is that not only does it clean the air, but it has the ActivePure cell that generates hydroperoxide molecules that kills all airborne and surface bacteria including Staph and Streptococcus.

We can now take a smoked-in room and simply set the ActivePure unit in for a couple hours and rent it the same day! **where we’d normally have to shampoo carpet and furniture, launder the curtains and all bedding ~ we are saving money and time without a doubt because it is mostly unnecessary with smoke contamination to do extraneous cleaning. It is definitely reduced maintenance labor hours.

These major benefits inspired me to put one in my home and I am not surprised that we’ve avoided falling ill to what the children bring home from school. This is the first NEW essential piece of equipment my family has bought for the properties in a very long time. If you are in this business and aren’t utilizing the ActivePure technology, you’re missing out! I would recommend ActivePure technology and Randy Schwark ~ he’s been friendly, assuring and easy to contact on any questions. This technology is a no brainer, we’ve even implemented a compact unit in our public restroom. No more gagging on orange scent deodorizers!


Rob Feeley
D & F Hotel Management
Super 8